Sickle cell around the world: A parent’s struggle

April 26, 2011

sickle cell

Any parent will tell you that their number one priority is to protect their children from harm.  But what if you could not protect your child? What if all you could do is watch as your child experiences intense pain? Birth screenings has somewhat prepared American parents for what is to come if the screening finds a positive result. These parents in India were surprised when the local physician told them their child has sickle cell.

Parents of a child with sickle cell disease struggle watching their child’s pain on a daily basis. Children with sickle cell anemia have to deal with things way beyond their years, especially pain. As a parent how do you explain to your child what is going on with their body?

Rena understands the struggle and uncertainty these parents go through. Every three weeks Madison receives a blood transfusion. Rena admits that sometimes it’s harder for her then Madison, especially when she has to watch her daughter get poked with needles.

For parents of children with sickle cell disease, there is nothing more frustrating and frightening than not being able to protect your child from pain. But there is help. The following websites are just a few that answer questions and offer support and guidance for parents:

Are you the parent of a child with sickle cell disease? Join the discussion and share your story here.

Katherine Martin, Author

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3 Comments on “Sickle cell around the world: A parent’s struggle”

  1. SomerEmpress Says:

    Good afternoon, Rena! I like the new banner! Coool!
    I absolutely hate to see my children struggle through pain or distress. I can only imagine how painful sickle cell crises, injections, and medicating can be. Pain of that magnitude must be so incomprehensible to their minds and little bodies. (Side note: I’m a bit confused by your use of the 3rd person when you say “Rena understands”. Is that not you? LOL! 🙂 It doesn’t take much to confuse me, so forgive me if I’m the confused one (especially today). 🙂


    • Rena Says:

      Hi Somer!

      I didn’t write this post. 🙂 A while back I asked for guest writers and Katherine was kind enough to submit this post for me.


  2. SomerEmpress Says:

    Ha! LOL! Duh, Somer! Thanks for clarifying for my exceptionally challenged mind today! Can’t say I wasn’t reading! 🙂 Have a beautiful day, Rena! I was thinking “and I’ve been calling her Rena this entire time.” Free laughs!


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